The 51st annual 4 mile Road Race took place in Farranfore on St.Stephens Day.
A strong head wind in first part of the run with the occasional shower did not stop over 250 runners from enjoying a break from all that Christmas rush.
For the second year in a row, Mark Hanrahan (Leevale) was overall winner (20.41), followed by Jason Fahy (BMOH) (20.58) and Aogan MacDomhnaill (West Limerick AC).
In Ladies category An Riocht 800m (and recently cross country) specialist Laura Crowe claimed the first spot in a time of 23.24, ahead of Michelle Finn (Leevale) in 23.41 and Maria McCarthy (24.52) from host club Farranfore Maine Valley AC.
St.Brendan's AC had a few athletes competing in this race:
Artur Nowak 28.26 (pos 83)
Kieran Behan (F4L) 32.28 (pos 154)
Pat Sheehy (F4L) 33.28 (pos 167)
Dermot Dillane (F4L) 34.14 (pos 176)
Well done to race organizers - FFMV AC for a great race (apart from some traffic on route) and generous prices in all categories. Provisional results HERE.
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27 December 2012
26 December 2012
Road Races in Kerry, January 2013
Beaufort 10K Road Race
Charles O Shea Memorial Cup
1 January 2013 @2pm
Entry: €15 runners, €10 walkers
Race organized by Star of the Laune AC
Refreshments and entries in Beaufort Hall
Killarney Lions Winter Running League
7 January (Mon)
14 January (Mon)
21 January (Mon)
28 January (Mon)
All races start at 7pm
Entry €5 per race
FB page
Hi-Viz vest/jackets required
Contact: William 0872803189
Gneeveguilla AC 5K Winter Road Races
26 January (Sat)
2 February (Sat)
16 February (Sat)
23 February (Sat)
In The Demesne, Killarney
All races start at 11am
Entry €5 per race
Athletes must do 3 legs of league to claim a prize
Contact: Tom Joe 0879339087
Races in KERRY in 2013
Charles O Shea Memorial Cup
1 January 2013 @2pm
Entry: €15 runners, €10 walkers
Race organized by Star of the Laune AC
Refreshments and entries in Beaufort Hall
Killarney Lions Winter Running League
7 January (Mon)
14 January (Mon)
21 January (Mon)
28 January (Mon)
All races start at 7pm
Entry €5 per race
FB page
Hi-Viz vest/jackets required
Contact: William 0872803189
Gneeveguilla AC 5K Winter Road Races
26 January (Sat)
2 February (Sat)
16 February (Sat)
23 February (Sat)
In The Demesne, Killarney
All races start at 11am
Entry €5 per race
Athletes must do 3 legs of league to claim a prize
Contact: Tom Joe 0879339087
Races in KERRY in 2013
25 December 2012
21 December 2012
End Of The World?
It's official, no End of the World today (some technical issues)!
So instead enjoy a few days off and we are looking forward to New Year 2013!

13 December 2012
Dates for 2013 Indoor Competition at AIT Arena
Athletics Ireland would like to inform all of our members of the important date changes to the 2013 Woodie’s DIY National Indoor Competitions.
The Masters and Junior/U23 Championships originally scheduled for the 19th and 20th of January has now been moved to the 9th and 10th of February. This decision was made in order to facilitate the testing of equipment and procedures ahead of the Combined Event Championships on the 26th of January and theAthletics Ireland Open Indoor Games on the 27th of January.
The Woodie’s DIY Senior Indoor Championships will move to the weekend of the 16th and 17th of February. The reason for the move of the Senior Championships is in order to facilitate television schedules. Athletics Ireland would like to wish all the athletes the very best of luck for the 2013 Indoor Track and Field Season.
12 December 2012
in Ardfert Community centre
will finish next Wednesday
19th Dec for the Christmas break.
It will resume again Wednesday 9th January 2013 at the same times.
We look forward to seeing you all in 2013!!
30 November 2012
Road Races in Kerry, December 2012
1 December 2012 (Saturday)@11am
Feet First Mizuno 5K, Killarney
Race 4 - (entry €7 on line, €8 on the day) incl. chip timing
Final Race in this year Winter Series 2012
2 December (Sunday) - Kerry Crusaders 5K Jingle Bell Run,
Listowel @1pm (entry €10)
Registration from 12pm in Christys Bar
8 December (Saturday) - 5K & 10K Jingle Fun Run/Walk,
Keel, Castlemaine@12pm (entry €7 for 5K/€15 for 10K)
In Aid of Keel Childcare
Start & Finish at Keel GAA Grounds
Registration from 10am
More info for FB users here
9 December (Sunday) - Run Rudolph Run 5K, An Riocht, Castleisland@11am (entry €5)
Registration closes at 10:15am
More info for FB users here
15 December (Saturday) - 5K Santa Fun Run,
Killarney@2pm (entry €5 for U18, €15 for Adult, €20 for Family)
26 December (Wednesday) - 4mile Road Race,
Farranfore (org. by FFMV AC)@12pm (entry €10 on line/€15 on the day)
More info for FB users here
28 November 2012
Training on 4th December 2012
Circuit training consists of performing multiple exercises on multiple body parts in a row with little rest in between exertions. As we progressing in out training it is important that we stay healthy and injury free.

- Sport
or personal injury prevention
- Injury
- Poor
flexibility/muscle tightness
- Joint
Pain – Knee, Hip, Shoulders, Ankle
Session will take 30-45min (and is free of charge) with our regular circuit training to follow from 8-9:15pm (€2).

Due to the lack of rest that circuit training demands, exercisers maintain elevated heart rates for the entire period of exercise. The combination of weight training and increased cardiovascular effort makes circuit training a beneficial type of cross training.
The exerciser gains muscle through the resistance training. The exerciser increases his/her cardiovascular endurance during the slightly elevated heart rate that is maintained in between sets and throughout the overall program. The exerciser burns high amounts of calories during the high exertion periods of his/her sets.
23 November 2012
St.Brendan's AC Circuit training
St.Brendan's AC Fit4Life circuit training continuing every Tuesday from 8-9:15pm in Ardfert Community Hall.
As a
part of training schedule, circuit training is hugely beneficial for our “Couch
to 5K” running group to increase mobility, flexibility, coordination and strength.
We are 5 weeks already into moderate training and results are very positive.
Circuit training
exercises require only basic, inexpensive equipment - a set of relatively light
dumbbells, skipping rope and an exercise mat for example. These circuit
training exercises can also be used by non-athletes to develop general fitness.
In this respect,
circuit training is very time efficient helping to develop strength and stamina
in a single session.
22 November 2012
The Munster Combined Events squad session has been brought forward to accommodate athletes competing in Schools International Combined Events the following week. The new details are below.
New date: Sunday, Nov 25th.
Venue : Nenagh Indoor Stadium.
Registration : 11am
Age group : U 15 upwards
Fee : 5 euro per athlete.

13 November 2012
Running & fitness Q&A
1. I must eat more protein if I want to build muscle from a strength training program.
False: The majority of diets contain more than enough protein to build muscle. Unless you are a high performance athlete, a well balanced diet will provide enough protein.
2. Cardio is not necessary if I am not overweight.
False: Aerobic exercise is necessary for optimum health, even if you're not over weight. Aerobic exercise is closely tied with many health benefits including lower risk of heart disease, arthritis and diabetes.
3. Stretching will help me avoid injuries.
False: Research studies to date have not confirmed that stretching actually reduces the chance of injury. The best time to stretch is after exercising. Static stretching (holding a stretch for 30 seconds or more) has been shown to lower power, strength and speed for 60-minutes afterwards. So stretch after! Prior to exercise, you should engage in a dynamic warm-up.
4. When women weight train with even light weights it leads to "bulky" muscles.
False: While weight training is recommended for women, it will not lead to bulky muscles. Women lack the testosterone levels that men have. Testosterone is one of the hormones responsible for increasing muscle size making it very difficult for women to obtain huge muscles.
5. Running will wear down my joints over time and lead to osteoarthritis.
False: Research shows that runners develop osteoarthritis at a lower rate than non-runners.
6. Exercise is a good way to lose weight.
False: While exercise is essential for optimum health, it's very difficult to lose weight from exercise alone. Exercise burns far less calories than most people think. Also, people often eat more as a form of "reward" from exercising - totally defeating the purpose of exercising in the first place! The focus of a good weight loss program should be on healthy habits and diet.
7. I should be drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.
False: Let thirst be your guide. Much of your daily fluid needs can be met through eating food. If you're thirsty, that is your body's way of telling you to drink more water.
8. Coffee should count towards my daily water intake.
True: Although coffee is a diuretic (it will make you pee), your body will retain more of a coffee's fluids that you lose. With that said coffee contains caffeine and should not be a major portion of your daily total fluid intake. Limit yourself to 1-2 cups per day.
9. Working your core will help you get rid of your belly fat, trim your waist and lead to 6-pack abs.
False: Spot reduction does not exist. Working out a particular body part will not decrease the amount of fat on that part of the body.
10. My muscle will turn into fat if I stop lifting weights.
False: That equivalent as a person saying they can turn water into gold. It’s not possible. Muscle and fat are two different types of tissue.
01 November 2012
Road Races in Kerry, November 2012
Feet First MIZUNO 5K series Killarney
Race 2 - 10 November 2012 @11am (entry €7)
Race 3 - 17 November 2012 @11am (entry €7)
Run The Gauntlet Half Marathon,Gap of Dunloe
Puck Warriors 5K/10K Jingle Run, Killorglin
24 November 2012 @11am (entry €15)
28 October 2012
St Brendan's Open Sports 2012
St Brendan’s AC held their Open Sports Day on Sunday 28th October at An Ríocht, Castleisland. The following St Brendan’s Athletes achieved top 3 placings.
Tiny tots - Lilly Nowak 3rd
U12 Girls 60m sprint - Ciara McCarthy 3rd
U12 Girls 60m sprint - Ciara McCarthy 3rd
U12 Girls 60m sprint - Kate O’Shea 3rd
U12 Boys 60m sprint - Fergal O’Brien 2nd
U13 Boys 80m sprint - Niall Marley 1st
U12 Girls Long Jump - Kate O’Shea 3rd
U9 Speed Bounce - Katie Hussey 2nd
U12 Girls 600m - Ciara McCarthy 3rd
U12 Boys Long Jump - Darragh Courtney 2nd
U11 Boys Ball Throw - Gavin Raggett 3rd
U13 Boys 600m - Niall Marley 1st
U12 Girls Ball Throw - Ciara McCarthy 3rd
U11 Boys Speed Bounce - Gavin Raggett 1st
U14 Girls Long Jump - Sally O’Mahony 2nd & Lauren O’Grady 3rd
U13 Boys High Jump - Darragh Courtney 1st & Aaron Malik 3rd
U11 Girls Speed Bounce - Clodagh Kirby 3rd
U14 Girls 600m - Sally O’Mahony 1st , Lauren O’Grady 2nd & Riadh Malik 3rd
U10 Boys Long Jump - Brendán Walsh 2nd & Gavin Raggett 3rd
U13 Girls Shot Putt - Kate O’Shea 3rd
U13 Boys Shot Putt - Darragh Courtney 2nd
Mixed U10 Relay-Gavin Raggett, Danny Jeffers, Brendán Walsh & Katie Hussey 1st
U12 Boys Relay – Fergal O’Brien, Conn Marley, Aaron Malik & Gavin Hussey 1st
U12 girls Relay – Gráinne Raggett, Kate O’Shea, Ellen Wallace & Ciara McCarthy 2nd
Mixed U13 Relay – Lauren O’Grady, Sally O’Mahony, Riadh Malik & kate O’Shea 3rd
Congratulations to St Mary’s AC for winning The Best Overall Club
Well done to all athletes who took part.
A thank you to all athletes and clubs who attended, as the weather wasn’t the best.
A big big thank you to all the St Brendan's Committee members & parents who helped.
More photos & videos on our Facebook page
21 October 2012
Training details for Fit4Life walkers/runners and "Couch to 5K" group:
Brendan’s AC established the Fit
4 Life group several years ago.
It caters for both men & women.
What started out as a small group of people meeting three nights a week
in Tralee just grew & grew!! With
the growing numbers attending, the groups split up with Mary Marley
co-ordinating the walkers & Dermot Dillane co-ordinating the runners. Mary & her walkers go regularly to
different walks around the county over some weekends & find them very
enjoyable. Dermot & his runners
regularly attend races of 10km & more!
was decided to meet in Tralee, as on the dark evenings there wasn’t enough
light in Ardfert but when the clocks change again in March the co-ordinators
change the meeting venues.
the Tralee Marathon taking place next March 16th St. Brendan’s Fit 4
Life decided to branch out & start up a new group called the Couch to
5km. This group is only just starting
with the basics & it includes both walking & running to get you
started. Caoimhe Marley & Chris O’
Shea are co-ordinating the Couch to 5km group & Artur Nowak is co-ordinating
the more advanced runners on a Saturday.
Here is the contact information:
Time and Place
Na Gael carpark,
7.30pm Mon, Wed
Mary Marley (086)3759772
Couch to 5Km
Sat: Sandy Lane,
Tue: Ardfert
Community Hall.
8-9pm (€2)
Thur: Na Gael carpark,
Caoimhe Marley
& Chris O’ Shea (087)6695473
Artur Nowak (087)2383752
Caoimhe Marley (087)6695473
Na Gael carpark 6.45pm
Mon, Wed, Thur
Dermot Dillane (087)2905220
you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Munster Cross Country ( Even Ages ) took
place on Sunday 21st Oct in Beaufort.
from all over the Munster region turned up and competed. Due to the
weather being dry, the event was well attended.
Darragh Lowth from the club ran for the County U14 Boys. The U14 Boys
County Team came 3rd .
Well done to Darragh in getting a bronze
medal and also thanks to the St Brendan AC
volunteers who also attended to help the County Board.
Shaz Malik
14 October 2012
Indoor training begins this coming Wednesday 17th October in Ardfert Community Centre.
Times: 6-7pm for 7, 8 & 9 yr olds
7-8pm for 10, 11 & 12 yr olds
Cost: €3 per child
€4 for two children in a family
€6 for three children in family
All new members are welcome to attend & join the fun.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Any queries please contact club secretary Orla Fitzgerald 086-8727498
Times: 6-7pm for 7, 8 & 9 yr olds
7-8pm for 10, 11 & 12 yr olds
Cost: €3 per child
€4 for two children in a family
€6 for three children in family
All new members are welcome to attend & join the fun.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Any queries please contact club secretary Orla Fitzgerald 086-8727498
Uneven ages - Cross Country in Kenmare
Cross Country
14th October 2012 saw the uneven age groups cross country take place
in Kenmare. Four of the St. Brendan’s
athletes travelled down to take part.
They were very lucky with the weather as it was sunshine all the way!!
For Sadbh Lowth & Daisy Nowak our U9 girls it was their first time taking
part at a cross country race of 750metres.
There were a few nerves at the start but both girls ran a good race
& were unlucky to place outside of the medal positions. Darragh Lowth won
his u13 2,500metre race with a battle for the finish. And in the masters category Artur Nowak came 3rd in the 7,500metre race. A thank you to Artur who is a club coach for
bringing the athletes to Kenmare whilst competing himself!
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