Farranfore Annual Four Mile Road RaceFr. Dan Browne Memorial Cup
One of the oldest road races in Ireland takes place every St. Stephens day. It has been run since 1961. Now in its 50th year, is run from Farranfore to Firies and back to the finish in Farranfore. Runners from all over munster take part in this road race and fun run.This year our annual race, the Fr. Dan Browne Memorial Cup 4 mile run takes place on Monday, St. Stephens’s Day at 12 noon. The sign-on is in the Farranfore Sportshall. If you are coming from Killarney, it is on the right had side just after the Garda station. Sign posted Firies GAA grounds. The Sportshall is about 200 metres down this road.
Details...Entry Fee: Seniors / Masters: €15 Juniors: €10 (under 20)
Sec. Students € 5
Start & Finish in Farranfore
First Six Senior Men
First Six Senior Women
First Two Junior Men (Under 20)
First Two Junior Women (Under 20)
First Two Master Men: Over: 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65
First Two Master Women: Over: 35, 40, 45 and 50
First Two Secondary students (Boys & girls)
First Local Club Novice
Souvenir medal for All Finishers
Spot Prizes at Farranfore Sportshall after race.
Entries: 10:30 to 11.30am on the day of the race at Sportshall in Farranfore
Refreshments after race
Dressing Facilities/Showers available
AAI Permit Granted
Updated Information:
http://ffmvac.blogspot.com/Enquiries to: Jer Crowley: 066- 9764249 or 086-8174303
Jim O'Shea: 066-9767412 or 087-2486931