AAI Rules & Regulations for 2024

Athletics Ireland competition Rule Book for 2018
Munster Athletics competition Rule Book for 2020 (Indoor)

No juvenile athlete may obtain a birthday in the year of competition and compete in that age.
1. Age categories calculated from 31st December in the year of competition.
2. No athlete may obtain a birthday in the year of competition and compete in that age.
3. Please note all ages in this booklet should be read as UNDER the stated age. Age   9 Born 2016  (U9)
Age 10 Born 2015 (U10)
Age 11 Born 2014 (U11)
Age 12 Born 2013 (U12)
Age 13 Born 2012 (U13)
Age 14 Born 2011 (U14)
Age 15 Born 2010 (U15)
Age 16 Born 2009 (U16)
Age 17 Born 2008 (U17)
Age 18 Born 2007 (U18)
Age 19 Born 2006 (U19)

Full Regulations on: HERE

1. Senior athletes must be 16 years of age on the 31st December in the year of competition 
2. Senior Cross Country athletes must be 18 years of age on the 31st December in the year of competition 
3. Under 23 athletes must be aged 20 and under 23 years on the 31st December in the year of competition 
4. Intermediate Cross Country athletes must be 20 years or over on the 31st December in the year of competition 
5. Novice Cross Country athletes must be 19 years of age or over on the 31st December in the year of competition 
6. Junior athletes must be 16 years on the 31st December in the year of competition and under 20 years on the 31st December in the year of competition 
7. Juvenile Athletes 9 -19 years, No athlete may obtain a birthday in the year of competition and compete in that age. 
8. Master athletes both male and female attain eligibility on their 35th birthday . 9. Athletes must be 18 years of age to compete in events of 10,000m and over. The recommended age groups for juveniles are: 
Up to U11 – 1 mile: 12 – 13 2k: 14-15 3k: 16 – 18 5k.